Golden Batch Manual

Golden Batch Manual

  1. Golden Batch Analysis
  2. Golden Batch Sugar-free Wafers

Modeling week 2005 Wizard for golden batch generator Guido Smits Modern process control systems provide a wealth of signals to the operators. The data are stored and are retrievable for a long time. In case of product quality issues, these history logs often carry information that can lead to understanding of the causes. But in many cases it appears that important details of the incident cannot be traced back. In past months a method has been developed to follow multiple signals real time in a batch process and create an alarm at the moment of deviation from a so called ‘golden batch’ profile. The system should operate as a kind of watch dog, which gives an intelligent warning at the time an anomality occurs.

Mar 29, 2011 - Some companies also determine the quality of a batch by comparing it to a 'golden batch,' i.e., one that has met quality standards and is. Jouan vxe 380 service manual online either download. As well, on our website you can reading manuals. Golden Batch Manual.pdf [PDF] Singer 247 Repair Manual.pdf.

At this point in time, the chance is optimal to understand what is happening in the process, to observe and maybe to correct. The golden batch profile describes the bandwith the signal should stay within during the progress of the batch. It has a band width in the time direction and in the signal direction. This golden batch is defined based on a number of history profiles. Abnormalities are removed from these profiles by visual examination and manual editing.

Abnormalities can be in the time domain (delays) or in the value domain (interruptions, spikes). Also steepness of profiles may be sometimes different. For practical application of the ‘golden batch’ as reference frame for triggers, the development time of a golden batch profile should be minimized. The vision is that a plant should define the most relevant profiles during the set-up phase. Automation and speed is then not very important. But when the system is running, a need will arise to add new profiles, and the chance of using of the system is depending on the ease of adding new profiles to the ‘watch dog’. The goal is: Develop a wizard for golden batch generation.

Allow for definition of a golden batch based on a minimum of 5 batches - Automatic correction for spikes - Automatic correction for time delays in one of the batches - The process should take less than 2 minutes - Expansion of a golden batch profile with new batches should also be possible. Input data: - A dataset with historic profiles of 100 input signals for 40 products (excel) - The number of batches can be different by product. Output data: - A profile with the following syntax: Out of scope: - Extraction of process data from the process computer Definition of success: - The golden batch generated automatically will be compared with the golden batch determined manually. When tested on real profiles, both profiles should perform comparable.

The system will be tested for profiles and products that were not part of the original dataset. It takes no more than 2 minutes to derive a golden batch. Calculation time may be excluded from the time metric. The algorithm should be transferable to a standard Dow programming environment.

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(March 2013) In, batch processing refers to a computer working through a queue or batch of separate jobs (programs) without manual intervention. Depending on the situation, each job may have an associated such as client, department or user - and some indication of the priority and resources required. An in this case will often use this last information to run the computer at optimum utilisation. Contents. Benefits Batch processing has these benefits:.

It can shift the time of job processing to when the computing resources are less busy. It avoids idling the computing resources with minute-by-minute manual intervention and supervision. By keeping high overall rate of utilization, it the computer, especially an expensive one. It allows the system to use different for interactive and non-interactive work. Rather than running one program multiple times to process one transaction each time, batch processes will run the program only once for many transactions, reducing system overhead. It also has multiple disadvantages, for instance users are unable to terminate a process during execution, and have to wait until execution completes. History The term 'batch processing' originates in the traditional classification of as (one-off production), (production of a 'batch' of multiple items at once, one stage at a time), and (mass production, all stages in process at once).

Early history (19th century through 1960s). IBM Type 285 tabulators (1936) being used for batch processing of punch cards (in stack on each machine) with human operators at U.S.

Social Security Administration Batch processing dates to the late 19th century, in the processing of data stored on decks of by, specifically the by, used for the. This was the earliest use of a machine-readable medium for data, rather than for control (as in; today control corresponds to code), and thus the earliest processing of machine-read data was batch processing. Each card stored a separate of data with different fields: cards were processed by the machine one by one, all in the same way, as a batch. Batch processing continued to be the dominant processing mode on from the earliest days of electronic computing in the 1950s.

Originally machines only tabulated data, counting records with certain properties, like 'male' or 'female'. In later use, separate stages or 'cycles' of processing could be done, analogous to the stages in batch production. In modern data processing terms, one can think of each stage as an clause, such as SELECT (filter columns), then WHERE (filter cards, or 'rows'), etc.

The earliest machines were built (hard-wired) for a single function, while from 1906 they could be rewired via, and electronic computers could be reprogrammed without being rewired. Thus early multi-stage processing required separate machines for each stage, or rewiring a single machine after each stage. Early electronic computers were not capable of having multiple programs loaded into main memory , and thus while they could process multiple stages on a single machine without rewiring, the program for each stage had to be loaded into memory, run over the entire batch, and then the program for the next loaded and run. There were a variety of reasons why batch processing dominated early computing. One reason is that the most urgent business problems for reasons of profitability and competitiveness were primarily accounting problems, such as billing or payroll; this priority of accounting in early use of information technology is ancient: see and. Billing may conveniently be performed as a batch-oriented business process, and practically every business must bill, reliably and on-time. While accounting is time-sensitive, it can be done daily (particularly overnight, after close of business), and does not require interaction.

Also, every computing resource was expensive, so sequential submission of batches on matched the resource constraints and technology evolution at the time. Batch data processing took advantage of the economies of scale in and processing sequential data storage media, such as punch cards and, later, magnetic tape. Typically transactions for a recording period, such as a day or a week, would be entered onto cards from paper forms using a machine.

At the close of the period, the data would be sorted using a, or, later a computer. The sorted data would then be used to update a master file, such as an accounting ledger or inventory file, that was kept sorted by the same key. Only one pass through the sequential files would be needed for the updates.

Golden Batch Manual

Reports and other outputs, such as bills and payment checks, would then be generated from the master file. In addition to batches of data, early electronic computers could also run one-off computations, notably compilation (see ).

Golden Batch Analysis

These were accordingly referred to as, as they were one-off processing, and were controlled by languages such as (JCL). However, this distinction between jobs and batches later became blurred with the advent of interactive computing. Later history (1960s onwards). Batch file to get the file STARTRK and output it to the card punch From the late 1960s onwards, such as via text-based interfaces (as in or ), and later became common.

Non-interactive computation, both one-off jobs such as compilation, and processing of multiple items in batches, became retrospectively referred to as batch processing, and the oxymoronic term (in early use often 'batch of jobs') became common. Early use is particularly found at the, around the (MTS); examples from 1968 and 1969: Only the compilation and execution of a FORTRAN program as a batch 'job' will be described in this section. The term 'batch processing' refers to the processing of many jobs (a 'batch') in sequence from card input. Each job in the batch is completely processed before the next is begun.

BATCH MODE, BATCH JOB — A process or task prepared and presented in its entirety, as opposed to an interaction at a remote terminal by a user who issues commands often based on the computer's response to previous commands. This latter mode of interaction is called conversational. Batch-mode jobs are submitted as decks of punched cards which are read into the computer in groups (batches). Non-interactive computation remains pervasive in computing, both for general data processing and for system 'housekeeping' tasks (using ). A high-level program (executing multiple programs, with some additional 'glue' logic) is today most often called a script, and written in, particularly for system tasks; however, in DOS this is instead known as a. That includes -based computers, (whose foundation is the Unix kernel), and even. A running script, particularly one executed from an interactive, is often known as a, but that term is used very ambiguously.

Batch processing narrowly speaking (processing multiple records through stage, one stage at a time) is still pervasive in, but is less common in interactive online networked systems, particularly in systems such as the messages of. These systems instead function as flow processing, where for each task messages are passed between, all servers working at once on different stages of different tasks. Even in non-networked settings, flow processing is common, specifically as of connected processes, processing like an assembly line. Where batch processing remains in use, the outputs of separate stages (and input for the subsequent stage) are typically stored as. This is often used for ease of development and debugging, as it allows intermediate data to be reused or inspected.

For example, to process data using two program step1 and step2, one might get initial data from a file input, and store the ultimate result in a file output. Via batch processing, one can use an intermediate file, intermediate, and run the steps in sequence (Unix syntax). Step1 output Modern systems Batch applications are still critical in most organizations in large part because many common business processes are amenable to batch processing. While online systems can also function when manual intervention is not desired, they are not typically optimized to perform high-volume, repetitive tasks.

Therefore, even new systems usually contain one or more batch applications for updating information at the end of the day, generating reports, printing documents, and other non-interactive tasks that must complete reliably within certain business deadlines. Some applications are amenable to flow processing, namely those that only need data from a single input at once (not totals, for instance): start the next step for each input as it completes the previous step.

In this case flow processing lowers for individual inputs, allowing them to be completed without waiting for the entire batch to finish. However, many applications require data from all records, notably computations such as totals. In this case the entire batch must be completed before one has a usable result: partial results are not usable. Modern batch applications make use of modern batch frameworks such as, or implementations of 352 written for, and other frameworks for other programming languages, to provide the and required for high-volume processing.

Golden batch analysis real time

In order to ensure high-speed processing, batch applications are often integrated with solutions to a batch job over a large number of processors, although there are significant programming challenges in doing so. High volume batch processing places particularly heavy demands on system and application architectures as well.

Architectures that feature strong performance and vertical, including modern, tend to provide better batch performance than alternatives. Became popular as they evolved along with batch processing. Batch window A batch window is 'a period of less-intensive online activity', when the computer system is able to run batch jobs without interference from online systems. Many early computer systems offered only batch processing, so jobs could be run any time within a 24-hour day. With the advent of the online applications might only be required from 9:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m., leaving two shifts available for batch work, in this case the batch window would be sixteen hours.

The problem is not usually that the computer system is incapable of supporting concurrent online and batch work, but that the batch systems usually require access to data in a consistent state, free from online updates until the batch processing is complete. In a bank, for example, so-called end-of-day (EOD) jobs include interest calculation, generation of reports and data sets to other systems, printing statements, and payment processing. This coincides with the concept of Cutover, where transaction and data are cut off for a particular day's batch activity and any further data is contributed to the next following day's batch activity (this is the reason for messages like 'deposits after 3 PM will be processed the next day'). The batch window is further complicated by the actual run-time of a particular batch activity. Some batches in banking can take between 5-9 hours of run time, coupled with global constraints some batch activity is broken up or even stalled to allow periodic use of databases mid batch (usually in read-only) to support automated testing scripts that may run in the evening hours or outsourced contract testing and development resources abroad. More complex problems arise when institutions both have batch activities that may be dependent meaning both batches have to complete in the same batch window. As requirements for online systems uptime expanded to support, the, and other business requirements the batch window shrank and increasing emphasis was placed on techniques that would require online data to be available for a maximum amount of time.

Common batch processing usage Databases Batch processing is also used for efficient bulk database updates and automated, as contrasted to interactive (OLTP) applications. The (ETL) step in populating is inherently a batch process in most implementations. Images Batch processing is often used to perform various operations with such as resize, convert, watermark, or otherwise edit image files. Conversions Batch processing may also be used for converting computer files from one format to another. For example, a batch job may convert proprietary and legacy files to common standard formats for end-user queries and display. Notable batch scheduling and execution environments The Unix programs, and (today batch is a variant of at) allow for complex scheduling of jobs.

Windows has a. Most use batch processing to maximize cluster usage. The or platform has arguably the most highly refined and evolved set of batch processing facilities owing to its origins, long history, and continuing evolution.

Today such systems commonly support hundreds or even thousands of concurrent online and batch tasks within a single image. Technologies that aid concurrent batch and online processing include (JCL), scripting languages such as, Job Entry Subsystem ( and ), (WLM), Automatic Restart Manager (ARM), Resource Recovery Services (RRS), data sharing, unique performance optimizations such as, and several others. See also. for schedulers that plan the execution of batch jobs. to rename lots of files automatically without human intervention, in order to save time and effort. for utility that increases batch performance. Job Entry Manager the Batch Execution Environment.

for detailed description of batch processing in the mainframe field. for batch job/schedule/stream support References. Austrian, Geoffrey D. Herman Hollerith: Forgotten Giant of Information Processing. Columbia University Press. Pp. 41, 178–179. Modern Methods for Solving Engineering Problems: Numerical Methods, Optimization Techniques and Simulation.

'The Computing Center: Coming to Terms with the IBM System/360 Model 67'. Research News. University of Michigan. 20 (Nov/Dec):.

Java Community Process. Retrieved 2015-08-03. IBM Corporation.

Golden Batch Sugar-free Wafers

Mainframe concepts. Retrieved June 20, 2013.

Golden Batch Manual